1992 Club Show Results
Open Show Spring
Judge: Mr F Jackson
Best in Show: Bucko Joe
Reserve Best in Show: Howlbeck Pebbles
Best Dog: Bucko Joe
Reserve Best Dog: Mindlen Hairy Minnow
Best Bitch: Howlbeck Pebbles
Reserve Best Bitch: Clystlands Cracker Jack
Best Puppy is Show: Mindlen Mosquito
Veteran Dog (7,5)
Miller & Murray - Minden Tess
Hutchins - Bullet of the Ratpack
Minnor Puppy Dog (3)
Philp - Mindlen Hoolet
Brown - Boris the Bold
Samways - Cassacre Boatswain
Puppy Dog (2,1)
Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands Likely Lad
Junior Dog (7)
Simpson - Howlbeck Major
Davidson - Tutmur Mounteray
Haigh - Galtres Blizzard of Rat Pack
Novice Dog (4,1)
Clive - Henry of Dog Valley
Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands Spin-a-Yarn
Ballard - Galtres Bailiff Ridley
Graduate Dog (7,1)
Simpson - Howlbeck Major
Davidson - Tutmur Mounteray
Rich - Somerwest Ben
Post Graduate Dog (9)
Miler & Muray - Mindlen Hairy Minnow
Wood - Ardencote Tarif
Graham - Millbeck Glen
Open Dog (10)
Brown - Bucko Joe
Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands Jack-the Lad
Simpson - Howlbeck Piper
Minor Puppy Bitch (3,2)
Miler & Muray - Mindlen Mosquito
Puppy Bitch (3,2)
Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands Medley
Junior Bitch (12,1)
Tuck - Galebern Tansey
Clive - Lynjay Super Noodle
Simpson - Howlbeck Mist
Novice Bitch (9,4)
Hussey-Wilford - Galebern Twinkle
Clive - Lynjay Super Noodle
Hitchins - Ratpack Hollywood Nights
Graduate Bitch (5,1)
Clive - Mischief Whitnoles Midge
Tuttle - Tutmur Hazelwyck
Hutchins - Lucy of the Ratpack
Post Graduate Bitch (8,1)
Simpson - Howlbeck Pebbles
Hancock - Ragford Soda
Creed - Clystlands Pinch'O Snuff
Open Bitch (5,1)
Hussey-Willord - Clystlands Cracker Jack
Wood - Ardencote Tanager
Brown - Banjo Annie