Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows)
A new system has been developed for the education, approval and listing of every level of judge, from those who aspire to judge, right through to open show judges and those who go on to award Challenge Certificates and judge championship show groups, and Best in Show. The system has been designed taking account the feedback received from exhibitors, show societies and judges.
The following link will provide more detailed information on this Programme:
(Correct as of 1 July 2020)
Breed Education Co-ordinators

A Kennel Club Breed Education Co-ordinator (known as the BEC) is an administrative role to co-ordinate all points of breed specific education and support for judges. This co-ordinating role is held on behalf of the breed clubs in order to support the breed club obligations under the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.
Margaret Hooley is the Parson Russell Terrier BEC and can be contacted either by phone 01283 703095 or
Margaret Hooley judging internationally
Breed Appreciation Days
The aim of the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) Breed Appreciation Day (and subsequent multiple choice breed standard examination) is to educate individuals interested in the breed, whether they are exhibitors, aspiring judges or breeders, and provide them with the information to make informed decisions to preserve and safeguard the breed.