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The greater part of a dog’s life is spent at home and, although the PRT is always eager to work or play, he is adaptable and when there is nothing in particular to do he will relax and do nothing.
Reverend Russell is said to have enjoyed their company so much that many, if not all, his terriers lived in the house. Most PRTs will settle happily into a family situation and will more than earn their keep by the loyal companionship they offer.

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The PRT is proving as popular in the Kennel Club show ring as it is as a pet with entry figures regularly among the highest in the terrier group.  There are various levels of showing, from Companion to Championship shows


(Photo by David Roberts)


Pets As Therapy is a charitable organisation which provides  visiting dogs, accompanied by their owner, to patients in hospital, residential care or anywhere a visit from a dog is considered to be a benefit.
Your dog must be approved as suitable to undertake this work and the owner should also be aware that visits take time and require reliable commitment.

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The breed standard for a PRT states that they should be ‘active & agile’ and these characteristics lend themselves well to agility training.
They compete in mini agility which provides a course for dogs up to 15 inches at the withers.  There are many local training clubs for agility who will be willing to help you find a club with mini facilities.

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Obedience work with a PRT can be challenging as history has required them to work independently below ground. They are easily bored by repetition and training needs to be inventive to retain their interest but they can, and do, succeed at obedience trials.
If you are new to obedience training a good starting point could be the KC’s ‘Good Citizen’ Basic Training Scheme. This provides a programme of ‘good manners’ training to ensure your PRT behaves acceptably while out and about and at home.


Parson Russell Terriers are proving to be very popular within the junior fraternity and anyone that owns one will know why!  If you're keen on showing, agility, obedience, or virtually any canine activity, a PRT is a great choice for a junior.

The PRTC and its members have always been keen to encourage the younger members, after all, they are the future of any breed.  The club holds Junior Handling classes at both of our Open Shows and the Championship Show.

Many juniors currently active in the breed have enjoyed some wonderful successes handling a PRT, on our Photos page you can see a few snaps of PRT's and their young handlers.

If you are a junior and interested in pursuing an activity such as showing or agility, the Kennel Club have their own organisation dedicated to youngsters. The Young Kennel Club organises a number of events including Activity Days and Camps. 


Taken from Original PRT Club Website first uploaded by Matt Smith

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