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2005 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Dog Judge: Mrs D Penizek

Bitch Judge; Mrs T Stark


Best in Show: Heythrop Topsy

Reserve Best in Show: Moonreapers Matilda

Best Opposite Sex in Show: Cassacre Kabin Boy

Best Dog: Cassacre Kabin Boy
Reserve Best Dog: Glenholm Dylan

Best Bitch: Heythrop Topsy
Reserve Best Bitch: Moonreapers Matilda
Best Veteran: Aurgwen Carys
Best Puppy is Show: 
Trumpmoor Exmoor Appey Daze

Veteran Dog or Bitch (7,2)

  1. Bull - Aurgwen Carys; BVIS

  2. Philp - Ch Mindlen Hoolet of Muhlross; 

  3. Sollis - Ardencote Trooper;


Puppy Dog (5,1)

  1. Samways - Cassacre Outrider;

  2. Carington - Tinkinswood Brock with Cleddauchase;

  3. Baker - Windynook Wind Em Up at Pacolito;


Junior Dog (3,0)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Thornton;

  2. Highfield -  Bradpole Black Diamond;

  3. Moore - Moonreapers Vagabond;


Post Graduate Dog (4,1)

  1. Carter - Patrian Melody Master;

  2. Jones Howlbeck Who-Uno at Neelan;

  3. Milne - Glenholm Fletcher;


Limit Dog (8,1)

  1. Milne - Glenholm Dylan; RBD

  2. Philp - Muhlross Hootlet JW; 

  3. Bigland -  Heythrop Toastmaster;


Open Dog (9,2)

  1. Samways - Cassacre Kabin Boy; BD BOS

  2. Rimmer - Ir & Int Ch Kylini Celtic Wizzard JW;

  3. Baker - Gopher Gloree with Pacolito; 



Minor Puppy Bitch (4,0)

  1. Rimmer - Kylini Xanadu;

  2. Sollis-  A Dash Of Magic; 

  3. Frost-Copping; Goldfern Gallatea;


Puppy Bitch (5,2)

  1. Cutler- Trumpmoor Exmoor Appey Daze;  BPIS

  2. Lightfoot-  Middlemoss The Only One;

  3. Baker -  Pacolito Sassy Lassie;


Junior Bitch (7,2)

  1. Hall- Ratpack Truffle Magic; 

  2. Denby-Gardner - Ammanday Academy; 

  3. Morrison- Belmorr Marina; 


Post Graduate Bitch (9,1)

  1. Carrington - Danmurphy Becky with Cleddauchase; 

  2. Frost-Copping - Goldfern Girl's Own;

  3. Mears; Hoggettry Harvest Moon;

Limit Bitch (6,1)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Topsy;  BB BIS

  2. Moore - Moonreapers Meg Merrilees;

  3. Lightfoot - Holdobur Spring Fever; 

Open Bitch

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Matilda; RBB RBIS

  2. Bigland - Heythrop Tenko; 

  3. Baker - Baby Ritz by Pacolito; 


Brace (7,0)

  1. Milne;

  2. Bull;

  3. Highfield; 



Open Show Summer


Judge: Miss S Collis


Best in Show: Ch Ardencote Tittletatle

Reserve Best in Show: Afinlea Roadside Skipper

Best Opposite Sex in Show: Afinlea Roadside Skipper;

Best Dog: Afinlea Roadside Skipper

Reserve Best Dog:

Best Bitch: Ch Ardencote Tittletatle

Reserve Best Bitch: 

Best Puppy in Show: Sprincot Crisp

Best Veteran in Show: Ch Ardencote Tittletatle


Veteran Dog or Bitch (8,2)

  1. Bigland - Ch Ardencote Tittletatle;  BB BVIS BIS

  2. Sollis - Ardencote Trooper;

  3. Denby-Gardner - Belmorr Gallant at Ammanda;


Junior Dog (6,2)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Thornton; 

  2. Baker-  Pacolito Perfection;

  3. Samways - Cassacre Outrider;


Novice Dog (1,0)

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Vagabond;


Post Gradate Dog (4,1)

  1. Carter - Patrian Melody Master;

  2. Rowley - Whata Wizard from Dulok; 

  3. Coelho - Carioca De Limao Da Roseira Brava (ATC AF00306PRT);


Limit Dog (7,1)

  1. Brown and  Grange - Afinlea Roadside Skipper; BD BOS REIS

  2. Baker -  Windynook Wind Em Up at Pacolito;

  3. Hussey Wilford - Clystlands Commodore;


Open Dog (7,2)

  1. Hooley - Hoolmark One To Mark at Hoolmark; 

  2. Bigland - Heythrop Toastmaster: 

  3. Coelho - Por/Spa Ch Fellshied Tell Me More


Minor Puppy Bitch (7,1)

  1. Warrington - Sprincot Crisp; BPIS

  2. Rowley - Dulok's Woofand Tumble;

  3. Locker -  Leadendale Foxy Lady;


Puppy Bitch (2,1)

  1. Locker -  Leadendale Foxy Lady;


Junior Bitch (4,1)

  1. Lightfoot - Middlemoss The Only One;

  2. Baker - Windynook Weave Ya Spell at Pacolito;

  3. Harris - Fellshied Tilla Girl;


Novice Bitch (3,2)

  1. Harris - Fellshied Tilla Girl;


Post Gradate Bitch (10)

  1. Denby-Gardner - Ammanday Academy:;

  2. Highfield- Guestwick Lindy Loo of Bradpole;

  3. Nixon -  Gonetoground Crispn Even;


Limit Bitch (8,1)

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Meg Merrilees;

  2. Bigland - Heythrop Topsy;

  3. Nixon - Gonetoground I'm Smitten;


Open Bitch (8,2)

  1. Brown and  Grange - Afinlea Garden Tiger;

  2. Bigland; Heythrop Tenko;

  3. Denby-Gardner -  Lenacourt Lady Of The Lake at Ammanday;


Brace (6,0)

  1. Moore;

  2. Highfield;

  3. Denby-Gardner;

Championship Show


Judge: Mrs V Harcourt-Morris


Best in Show: Moonreapers Matilda

Reserve Best in Show: Ammanday Academy

Best Opposite Sex: 

Dog CC: Ebblechase Endeavour
Reserve Dog CC: Glenholm Dylan

Bitch CC: Moonreapers Matilda
Reserve Bitch CC: Ammanday Academy
Best Veteran in Show: 
Best Puppy is Show: Broxmouth Brigadoon From Belmorr

Best Puppy Dog: 

Best Puppy Bitch: 


I was delighted to see so many correct PRTs in general. The only worry I had was that many of the bitches coming on have very little substance, a bitch needs good bone to pass onto her offspring, this does not mean that she must be cobbie or heavy just well made. There were some rather tall dogs, but all in all the size was not an issue. My line up in both sexes was a credit to the breed.

My compliments to the Committee for a well-run show, you have an excellent Show Manager in Margaret Hooley, she is a real treasure. A special note to my very hard working steward, Geoff Roden, stewarding is not as easy at he makes it look, thank you Geoff, as efficient as ever.


Minnor Puppy Bitch (3,0)

  1. Hussey Wilford’s - Clystlands Emblem; Tan and White 8 months  Promising baby coming together nicely. Loved his head. Movement very good for age. One for the future

  2. Denby-Gardner's - Ammanday Ace; A real baby at just 6 months.
Liked his body shape and rib. He obviously enjoys being in the ring. One to follow for sure.

  3. Burnhill's - Fairview Burdoch; Not the quality of the first two, but a lovely coat.


Puppy Dog (1,0)

  1. Morrison's - Broxmouth Brigadoon From Belmorr; Standing alone in this class but oozes quality. Tri. 11mths, Developing well. Superb coat. Head and front excellent. Movement from rear true and strong. Type cannot be faulted. Up on the leg; hope that he has finished growing. Easily spanned despite. BP


Junior Dog (2,0)

  1. Morrison's - Broxmouth Brigadoon From Belmorr;

  2. Bull's - Aurgwen Cargo; Good for size, correct double coat, moved
Well shown;


Novice Dog (2,0)

  1. Bull's - Aurgwen Cargo; Liked his head and expression. Dark eyes.
Good leathers. Movement sound. Nicely balanced in the hand.

  2. Dynes' - Moonreapers Spectre; V. Good coat. Tight correct feet.
Correct lay of shoulder, could change places with 1 another day.


Graduate Dog (2,0)

  1. Bigland's - Heythrop Thornton; Super coat, thick loose pelt. Head and expression V.good. Strong teeth. Good reach of neck and lay of shoulder muscled. Movement strong and flowing. A hard fought class between two very good Parsons.

  2. Moore's - Moonreapers Vagabond; Lovely wedge head. Beautiful smooth coat. Pleasing expression, good use of ears. Correct rise over loin, shown in excellent condition. Movement correct front and rear. A nice one from this small kennel.


Post Graduate Dog (2,0)

  1. Highfield's - Bradpole Black Diamond;  Tri. Strongly made but not large. Keen expression. Liked his head shape. Good strong teeth. Thick leathers. Coat correct, pelt thick and loose ideal for work. Front straight and true, neat feet. Movement sound. He needs firmer control from his handler to progress in the ring.

  2.  Kavanagh's - Gonetoground Capt'n Hook; Nice type this one.
Quite lively as was 1. Well up on his toes. Correct rib, easily spanned, moved round the ring with lots of drive. Very smart in profile. Well handled.


Limit Dog (3,0)

  1. Milne's - Glenholm Dylan;  What a lovely dark tri., ideal size and construction. Super old type, very workman like just what I was looking for in a Parson. Head and body correctly balanced. Strong large teeth. Coat flat double with thick skin. Movement loose and true shown correctly on a loose lead hiding nothing. A credit to his breeder. RCC

  2. Brown & Grange's - Afinlea Roadside Slipper; Neat rough coated dog. Well balanced in the hand. Kind but keen eyes. Strong, true front and moved strongly from rear. Another good parson.

  3. Barten & Boggia's - Ammanday Astaldo; Another good one from this kennel. Not showing at his best today, but could well change places another time


Open Dog (6,0)

  1. White's - Ebblechase Endeavour; A technically very correct
Parson. Lovely head, dark eyes with keen but happy expression. Lovely neck into well laid shoulders, flexible rib and correct length of loin. Firm quarters, hocks set down, producing very strong but control movement.
Could go all day. I have judged this boy before and given him a RCC. But today he really was the pick of the bunch in a class of superb Parsons.
Shown in hard condition, beautifully turned out and shown. He just lost his composure in the challenge for BIS.

  2. Bigland's - Ch. Heythorp Toastmaster; This is one I have always liked, he is always well shown and prepared, a credit to his owners. So much to like but today was just not quite on top form.

  3. Vaughan's - Ch. Barsetta On A Misson For Parruss; Handsome smooth dog, shown in top condition, a worthy 3 in a very strong class.


Veteran Dog (4,1)

  1. Denby-Gardner's - Belmorr Gallant At Ammanday; At 8 years, still showing like a youngster, seemed to be enjoying himself. Lightly marked rough coated. Double coat. Very neat feet. Good quality animal with many good points. Movement sound.

  2. Bull's - Aurgwen Jester Mo; Very sound dog in the old style. Showed him well today, as always well presented by his handler.

  3. Moore's - Moonreapers Villan; making up the trio of very correct Parsons. Not always the easiest to show, could easily change places another day.

Minnor Puppy Bitch (1,0)

  1. Dyne's - Ammanday Augsta; At just 6 months this rough coated baby was completely at home in the ring. Her profile is V Good. Movement sound but still loose due to age. Charming head and expression. She has promise, which I hope will give her owners an interesting time in the show ring.

  2. Hussey-Wilford's - Clystlands High Flyer; Very smart tan/white girl, lovely coat. Just a bit overawed in the ring to day, when she settles should do well.


Puppy Bitch (8,2)

  1. Denby-Gardner's - Ammanday Arrow; The nicest for type in this class. White broken coated baby. Head and body still developing, but very promising. Has good bone would it tail set. Played her handler up but her quality shone through. I would like to see her in a year's time.

  2. Small's - Bethan Nutmug; Tri coloured, with good coat. Head and expression good. Movement sound front and rear. Well shown.

  3. Bigland's - Riplington Gypsy Queen By Heythrop; Another one with correct bone. Well presented


Junior Bitch (6,2)

  1. Vaughan's - Parruss Star Spangled; Tri-coloured rough bitch.
Super type. Well-laid shoulders and rib. Very appealing expression, good head and eyes. Well balanced in the hand. Really moved out well, drive from rear good, still needs to tighten up in front, but age will do that. Good one for the future

  2. Lightfoot's - Middlemoss The Only One; She ran very close to 1. Lots to like. Liked her body shape and tail set. Movement straight and true, well shown.

  3. Collis' - Riplington Miss Hit Another; Typy bitch from this good kennel.


Novice Bitch (4,2)

  1. Small's - Bethane Nutmeg; She took this class on her movement and presentation. Still developing and could improve.

  2. Warrington's - Sprincot Banshee; Looks nice in profile, but not the quality of 1.


Graduate Bitch (5,1)

  1. Burnhill's - Fairview Lilac; Really nice smooth bitch, correct for size, well muscled and enough bone to do the work required. Thick pelt. Tight feet. Moved soundly forward and away.

  2. Morrison's - Belmorr Marina; Lovely old type, but just a bit up on the leg. Good head and expression. Movement true.

  3. Hall's - Ratpack Truffle Magic; Attractive bitch, just not at her best today.


Post Graduate Bitch (5,0)

  1. Bigland's - Heythrop Tia; Classically marked bitch, full of quality.
Correct wedge head, dark eyes, super front. The ideal size and balance for work. Moved around the ring with great presence. A good winner in a strong class of very Good Parsons

  2. Hussey-Wilfords - Cylstlands Enchantress; Charming Tan/White bitch. Lovely to go over. Very true to type, and lovely bone structure, moved out well and showed very well for her handler.

  3. Moore's - Moonreapers Polly Garter; Slightly lighter in frame than 2 but a very nice bitch. Deserved this place in a very good class.


Limit Bitch (8,0)

  1. Denby-Gardner's - Ammanday Academy; Tan/White Rough coated bitch. Moved out with that lovely long stride of a very well balanced Parson, very true to type. Pelt thick and loose. Rib flexible and very easily spanned. Pleasing expression, keen dark eyes. I note I have seen this one before and have not marked her well, but she has now matured on and is a really lovely girl. Very well shown. Challenged well, I was pleased to award her RCC and RBIS.

  2. Bigland's - Heythrop Topsy; Tri broken coated bitch, a real topper, this kennel always seems to produce lovely Tri Bitches of great quality. She really challenged for this class, but just lost out on the sparkle factor today.

  3. Moore's - Moonreapers Meg Merrilees; Yet again another very good bitch. Lovely type but did not show herself well on the move.


Open Bitch

  1. Moore's - Moonreapers Matilda; Just what I was looking for! A lovely correct bitch, nothing overstated but oh so correct. A bitch with quality and bone but still retaining her femininity. A delight to go over on the table. Her sporting owners have shown her under me before and I believe gained a 3rd, but today she was really the bee's knees. Moved out happily and true. I was more than delighted to give her BCC and BIS.

  2. Wood's - Ch Ardencote Tamarisk; A very showy Tan/White bitch, lots of quality, lovely for size. Very Good front movement

  3. Hooley's - Holdobur Material Girl; A very nice type shown in excellent condition.


Veteran Bitch (4,2)

  1. Bigland's - Ch Ardencote Tittletatle; At 9 years old still looks and moves like youngster. Shown in lovely condition. Still looks like the champion that she is.

  2. Moore's - Clystlands Accolade Of Moonreapers; 10 years and still having fun in the ring. Not the quality of 1 but a nice true type bitch.


Brace (10,3)

  1. Hussey-Wilfords; Lovely well matched pair of Tan/Whites, moved in hammony with each other round the ring. Won this large class with ease.

  2. Moore's; Pair of neat well matched parsons, well handled.

  3. Moore's; More good terriers from this kennel, looked good together.


Barry Jones Special Progeny

  1. White's - Ebblechase Endeavour; This sire has really stamped both the offspring shown with him today from two different bitches. This is what this class is all about.

  2. Bull's - Aurgwen Jester Mo

2013 Spring
2013 Summer
2013 Championship

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