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2023 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Mr. David Lee (Socksdown)


Best in Show –  Heythrop TopsyTurvey

Reserve Best in Show – Ch Minden Magnum at Ratscallion

Best Dog- Ch Minden Magnum at Ratscallion

Reserve Best Dog - Pacolito Resurrection;

Best Bitch - Heythrop TopsyTurvey

Reserve Best Bitch- Riplington Dream Image

Best Puppy in Show – Digaden Jinntipple

Reserve Best Puppy in Show  – Heythrop Tamar

Best Veteran in Show – Riplington Dream Image

Reserve Best Veteran in Show  – Ch Cleeve Hill Kasper



My warmest thanks to Officers / Committee and Members for the invitation and honour to Judge your Breed Clubs Open Show. A Lovely entry of 52 awaited me, at this lovely venue.

I would also convey my thanks to my two ring Stewards Evie Tinegate and Robert Oulton, for your efficiency in the ring truly made things run smoothly. To the Exhibitors my sincere thanks for the wonderful entry I truly appreciate your support the Breed, the Club and myself as todays Judge I had a very enjoyable day again Thank You All.


Veteran Dog (2,1)

  1. Blair, Blair and Hadley - Ch Cleeve Hill Kasper; well known and well-deserved Champion. White dog whom Ive had the pleasure to have judged before and still defies his age he has a strong shaped head, dark keen eyes, well set ears , good strong reach of neck , straight front spannable and he still moves well. Reserve Best Veteran in Show.


Minor Puppy Dog (2,1)

  1. Rimmer’s- Plunkett Woody At Kylini; stood alone smart looking pup, has a strong shaped head correct bite, straight front in good body moves well.


Puppy Dog (2,1)

  1. Biglands - Heythrop Tamar; a tri in a good overall condition, has good head correct dentition straight front with well lay back of shoulders, easily spanned moves reasonably well. BPD and RBPIS.


Junior Dog (1)

Two promising dogs’ close decision.

  1. Biglands - Heythrop Toptag; another typy quality dog from this kennel in super condition with a desired wedge-shaped head, good ear carriage dark eye, keen expression straight narrow front, spans comfortably good hindquarters with well set tail moves well.

  2. Harcourt-Morris – Lenacourt Lord Joules; eye catching balanced young dog has a super head with clean moderate length of neck tapering into straight front easily spanned moves well both in front and rear quarters.


Post Graduate Dog (No Entries)


Limit Dog (3,1)

  1. Baker’s -Pacolito Resurrection; quality dog who has CH all over him he has a strong shaped wedge head strong underjaw with good bite, clean strong neck fits into straight front correct lay back of shoulder, spanned easily strong well angulated hindquarters, well set tail didn’t move as positively as eventual dog winner. Reserve Best Dog.

  2. Hobson’s -  Partridgdale Flynn; another that catch’s the eye strong all round dog with super head, good bite , dark eye good ear carriage , straight front, strong rear well angulated quarters moves soundly with good drive .


Open Dog (6,2)

Amazing super class everyone a Well-deserved and worthy champion competition was extremely tough, and places could easily change.

  1. Broadberry’s -CH Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion; carries a strong well shaped head of correct shape, dark eye well set ears, giving typical breed expression correct bite, strong neck correct front, well lay back of shoulders, comfortably spanned, good topline strong loin with strong well angulated hindquarters and bend of stifle, well set tail in good coat and pelt won Best Dog on his positive rear movement and drive. Best Dog and R.B.I.S.

  2. Newports- CH Digaden Pitch Perfect; has a super head , ears well set, dark eyes correct dentition , strong neck tapering into straight front and well placed shoulders, spannable moves freely and soundly from his strong well angulated hindquarters

  3. Collis - Ch Riplington See Your Dreams; top sized dog who has all the virtues of 1st and 2nd, and only split by the minute (verb) of margins .


Veteran Bitch (3,0)

Good class where decisions were marginal

  1. Collis – Riplington Dream Image; has a strong but feminine head, strong jaw correct bite dark eye straight front with moderate width between forelegs, shoulders well laid back, comfortably spanned, good rear angulation and bend of stifle giving good drive. Reserve Best Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.

  2. Hobson- Alncroft Isle See;  pleasing moderately broad skull, dark eyes, ears well shaped and carried well, correct bite, neck clean of good length, set well into shoulders which are well laid back , spannable moved positively with drive.

  3. Newport -Digaden Made to Measure; another typy bitch from this kennel of good make and shape, has a nice head to her dark eye and keen expression, easily spanned sound hindquarters moves with drive.

  4. Rimmer - IR CH Kylini Mona Lisa JW.VWW22; carrying many of the virtues of the above placed  


Minor Puppy Bitch (1)

  1. Biglands -Heythrop Tivy; she has a lovely feminine head, tidy ears, keen dark eyes correct bite, spanned, still a raw pup and little unruly which when she settled moves well


Puppy Bitch (1)

  1. Newports – Digaden Jinntipple; T/W nice tidy pup with lovely head, good bite lively youngster, moves soundly I’ll watch her progress with interest. Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show.


Junior Bitch (3,1)

  1. Newports- Match Maker Digaden; She has a feminine head of good shape, correct dentition, tidy shaped ears, with a dark eye. Good forequarters and good bone well-padded feet, spanned comfortably, good rear angulation sound in front and rear movement.

  2. Broadberry. – Fajna Dziunia Mysia Zaglada at Ratscallion NAF (IMP POL);  all round stronger than 1 but still feminine has strong well shaped head with keen dark eyes. Correct fore and rear quarters move with drive and freely. 


Yearling Bitch (2,0)

In my notes I put places could easily change decision close.

  1. Newport - Digaden Run with The Pack; Liked her head feminine but with no weakness, correct bite, clean moderate length neck straight front, good placement of shoulders , spanned, moved soundly and freely.

  2. Biglands - Heythrop Taranna; Lovely tri that’s sure to have a good future shes an active and agile bitch, with a straight and narrow front, comfortably spanned, shoulders well laid back in super condition sound both in front and rear movement.


Post Graduate Bitch (6,2)

  1. Smiths - Digaden Top Notch;  pleasing head good mouth, tidy ears and dark eyes, forelegs strong with moderate width spanned with ease, well set tail strong loin over well angulated rear quarters moves freely and soundly.

  2. Chaffe - Mollilli Simply Zelda;  has a nice shaped head, tidy well shaped ears, good bite ,like to see a closer front but that doesn’t distract from her overall virtues, moves well from her rearquarters .

  3. Roach - Heythrop Tangle;  has lots to like about her with a nice head shape, tidy well carried ears , good mouth straight front she moves reasonably well , my only criticism which would greatly improve her is just needs a tad of weight off her.

  4. Broadberry - Forgefox Fern for Ratscallion


Limit Bitch (6,2, 1 Withdrawn)

  1. Biglands- Heythrop Tangletop; lovely sized bitch with pleasing head of correct proportions, with dark eyes well shaped set ears, giving a keen expression.neck clean and of sufficient length into good front and shoulders spanned with ease good rear angles well set tail moved well and with purpose.

  2. Evans and Barnes – Bellvalleys Kissed By Fire;  liked her for her size and balance throughout, lovely head shape and proportions eyes dark, neat ears of good shape, moderate length of neck , good shoulders angulations moved true and soundly .

  3. Roachs- Heythrop Tangle; 3rd in previous class see PGB.


Open Bitch (6,1)

Quality class of fine bitchs

  1. Biglands.- Heythrop Topsyturvey; caught my eye immediately when she settled,spot on for size, pleasing wedge shaped head with well set shaped ears , dark eye, correct dentition , strong clean neck of moderate length , and well set into good angulated forequarters, comfortably spanned strong hindquarters , tail set on, strong loin with gentle arch in a fit and agile condition . Best Bitch and Best in Show.

  2. Newport- CH Digaden Tip Top; Lovely typy bitch very worthy CH of correct size , balanced throughout spanned easily good in front with strong and well-padded feet, ample hindquarters good tail set moves well both in reach and rear drive.

  3. Newport’s - Digaden Spill the Beans

  4. Roach - Heythrop Tangle

  5. Chaffe- Pacolito Rumourmonger. 


Brace (5-4)

  1. Broadberry's


Junior Handling.

Class A- 6 -11 Years

  1. Seth Broadberry

  2. Ernest Broadberry


Class B. 12-16 Years

  1. Maeve Parry

  2. Ceira Townsend




Open Show Summer


Judge: Philip McCluskey


Best in Show - Heythrop Tangletop  

 Reserve Best in Show - Pacolito Resurrection

Best Opposite Sex - Pacolito Resurrection

Best Dog - Pacolito Resurrection

Reserve Dog - Partridgedale Flyn

Best Bitch  - Heythrop Tangletop 

Reserve Bitch  - Alncroft Isle See

Best Puppy in Show - Alncroft Foxtrot

Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Heythrop Tamar

Best Veteran in Show - Alncroft Isle See

Reserve Best Veteran in Show - Digaden Top Hat and Tails




Veteran Dog (3,3)

  1. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails; Up to size male however still spannable, presented in good condition and pelt. Strong head, nice front, moved and handled well. BVD

  2. Newport’s - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect; Nice for size and presented in hard condition. Easily spanned. Good head and coat, not as positive in movement as 1.

  3. Blair & Hadley’s - Ch Cleeve Hill Kasper (Imp Bel)​


Puppy Dog (1,0)

  1. Bigland’s -Heythrop Tamar; Nice masculine head, good reach of neck leading to laid back shoulder.  Good front with nice size feet, easily spanned and moderate rear angulation. Bit lacking in coat today however has a good undercoat. A little unsettle on the move, just needs time to mature. BPD


Junior Dog (2,0)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Toptag; Good for size, easily spanned, nice coat and pelt, good topline and moved well.

  2. Hooley’s - Hoolmark Ringo Kid; Up to size male, lovely masculine head, straight front with nice double coat and thick pelt. Just preferred movement and size of 1.


Yearling Dog (3,1)

  1. Harcourt-Morris’s - Lenacourt Lord Joules; Up to size male with a nice head, correct straight front and spannable.  Good harsh coat, moved and handled well.

  2. Woods & Boorman’s - Fox Fur Newark; Smaller, compact dog with masculine head.  Good pelt and harsh double coat.  Not as positive on movement as 1.


Limit Dog (3,0)

  1. Hobson’s - Partridgedale Flynn;  Nice size with lovely masculine head. Excellent harsh coat and thick pelt, easily spanned.  Moved and handled well. Pushed hard for in challenge for best dog. RBD

  2. Knight’s - Just Top Russell to Pacolito; Up to size male, not as easily spanned as 1. Masculine head with good coat and pelt. Moved well.

  3. Woods & Boorman’s - Fox Fur Newark


Open Dog (4,1)

  1. Baker’s - Pacolito Resurrection; Quality male with masculine head. Lovely outline with nice topline which was held on the move. Good reach of neck leading to a laid-back shoulder. Thick pelt with excellent dense, harsh double coat. Easily spanned and nice size. Moved well and skilfully handled. BD, RBIS, BOS

  2. Newport’s - Ch Cudweed’s Master of the Hounds (Imp Dnk) JW; Another dog of good size with a masculine head. Easily spanned. Shown in harsh coat and handled well.

  3. Collis’s - Ch Riplington See your Dreams​


Veteran Bitch (6,3)

  1. Hobson’s - Alncroft Isle See; Lovely bitch who has aged well. Nice size with typical head, good reach of neck leading to nice topline with laid back shoulder. Moderate bitch with excellent coat and thick pelt. Showed and moved well for handler to win RBB & BVIS.

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Made to Measure; Another attractive bitch who has aged well. Strong but feminine head, good coat and front. Liked her outline and moved well. Shown in hard condition.

  3. Collis’s - Riplington Dream Image


Puppy Bitch (3,0)

  1. Smith’s - Alncroft Foxtrot- Eye catching bitch pup with a lovely outline, typical of its kennel. Feminine head. Good reach of neck leading to a laid-back shoulder. Excellent size with straight front, tight feet, good length of body with moderate angulation. Expertly handled and moved well. BPIS

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tivy; Another quality bitch puppy, typical of its kennel. Lovely feminine typical head. Good size, moderate all round and easily spanned. Well-handled and moved well. Unfortunately, not in best coat today.

  3. Woods and Boorman’s - Vixenview Gypsy


Junior Bitch (2,0)

  1. Ellesmere’s - Digaden Jinnspritz;  Another nice bitch from this kennel. Typical head, liked her outline with laid back shoulder and angulation. Excellent dense, harsh broken coat. Good for size, handled and moved well.

  2. Woods and Boorman’s - Vixenview Gypsy; Good for size, strong but feminine head. Easily spanned, with lovely harsh broken coat. Moved ok


Yearling Bitch (2,0)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Matchmaker; Nice size bitch with good head. Lovely harsh coat. Good straight front and feet with moderate rear angulation. Easily spanned and moved well.

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Taranna; Lovely head, correct size and proportions. Good harsh, double coat with good pelt. Easily spanned. Showed well when standing just not as positive rear movement as 1 today.


Post Graduate Bitch (4,2)

  1. Knight’s - Woldlincs Just Bookie; Up to size bitch, strong but feminine head with good reach of neck. Harsh coat and nice outline.  Moved and showed well. Carrying a little extra condition today however still spannable

  2. Woods and Boorman’s - Vixenview Talia Shire; Good for size with lovely head. Nice harsh coat and thick pelt with moderate angulation. Easily spanned. Moved ok. Just preferred balance shape of 1.

Limit Bitch (8,4)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop; A quality bitch who is moderate throughout.  Lovely feminine, typical head, good reach of neck with correct shoulder placement. Good straight front and tight feet. Nice length of body, excellent harsh coat and pelt. Easily spanned. Skilfully handled and moved well. BB & BIS

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Run with the Pack; Another quality bitch, lovely strong but feminine head, good reach of neck and topline. Nice straight front and moderate rear angulation. Good harsh coat and moved and showed well. Pushed hard for RBB.

  3. Smith’s - Digaden Top Notch

  4. Woods and Boorman’s - Vixenview Talia Shire


Open Bitch (3,0)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Spill the Beans; Nice strength of head, good front and tight feet.  Excellent harsh coat, moderate rear angulation, easily spanned. Handled and moved well.

  2. Nixon’s - Gonetoground I have a Dream; Feminine head, nice size with moderate angulation. Easily spanned. Would prefer a little more of her all over. Moved ok.

  3. Chaffe’s - Pacolito Rumourmonger


Brace (3,1)

  1. Knight

  2. Woods and Boorman


Special Award Classes
Judge: Richard Chaffe (Rougeau)


​Thank you to the Parson Russell Terrier Club for the opportunity to judge the special award classes at the Summer Open Show. My appreciation to my very able stewards and especially the exhibitors for their entries and allowing me to go over some super quality dogs and for braving the weather conditions and attending the classes.

Junior Dog or Bitch (5,0)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Matchmaker; Tan & white female, feminine wedge shaped head, neat well carried ears when used, dark eye of correct shape, correct bite, moderate neck which flows into her topline, correct front, tight feet, easily spannable, good rear, in good coat, correctly carried tail. moved well.

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Top Tag; Tri male with correct wedge shaped head, well carried ears , dark eye, correct bite, good neck which flows into his topline, straight narrow front, tight feet, easily spannable, good rear, not wearing his full jacket on the day, correctly carried tail , moved well. 

  3. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tamar

  4. Shakeshaft’s - Chadbrook Risk and Reward


Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (0,0)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Taranna; tri female, lovely wedge shaped head, neat well carried ears when used, dark eye of correct shape, correct bite, moderate neck which flows into her topline, good front and rear assembly, tight feet, easily spanned, in good coat, tailed carried correctly, move well in all directions, present a good profile on the stand which she keep in movement.

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Run with the Pack; Tan & White female, Liked her head, correct wedged shape, strong but feminine, neat well carried ears, dark eye of correct shape, correct bite, clean moderate neck which flows into her topline, good shoulder placement, good rear assembly, tight feet, easily spanned, good coat, correct tail carriage, moved soundly.

  3. Smith’s - Digaden Top Notch


Open Dog or Bitch (0,0)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop; lovely sized female with wedge shaped head of correct proportions, dark eyes of correct shape, well-shaped and correctly placed ears, correct bite, clean neck of sufficient length which flows into her strong topline, good front, tight feet, easily spanned, good rear angles, good coat, correctly carried tail, moved soundly with purpose keeping her shape.

  2. Blair and Hadley’s - Ch Cleeve Hill Kasper (imp Bel); White dog put down in excellent condition especially for his age, strong correct wedge shaped head, dark eyes of correct shape, well-shaped and correctly placed ears , good reach of neck which flows into his strong topline, straight front, tight feet, spannable, good rear, in good coat, correctly carried tail. Presents a good shape on the stand and on the move, moved very well.

  3. Newport’s - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect

  4. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails

  5. Collis’s - Riplington Dream Image


Junior Handling Classes

6-11 years

  1. Edward Kemp; Another budding PRT young handler. Just needs to make sure the dog is kept stood and keeps its position on the table, Was very gentle with the dog from start to finish, Just needs to go over the moving patterns which practice makes perfect, a young handler with much potential.


12-16 years

  1. Maeve Parry; Very good young handler, Was calm, cool and collected and was gentle throughout handling the dog, very nice straight lines and sharp corners, moved with the dog very well getting the best out of her exhibit. Will be a handler to watch.


Championship Show

Judge: Mr N Merrick 

Best in Show -  Heythrop Taranna

 Reserve Best in Show -  Ch Pacolito Resurrection JW

Best Opposite Sex - Ch Pacolito Resurrection JW

Dog CC - Ch Pacolito Resurrection JW

Dog Reserve CC - Forefox Roll the Dice At Hoolmark

Bitch CC - Heythrop Taranna

Bitch Reserve CC  - Gone to Ground I Have a Dream

Best Puppy in Show - Forefox Roll the Dice At Hoolmark

Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Tusiquevales Jabberwocky To Pacolito (Imp ITA) NAF

Best Veteran in Show - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect

Reserve Best Veteran in Show - Digaden Made to Measure


Veteran Dog (3,0)

  1. Newports - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect; A standard dog of good merit. A well coated dog with a thick pelt. Correct eye, correct ear and correct mouth. Spanned easily, moved well.

  2. Broadberrys - Ch Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion; Another top dog with similar merits to first. Spanned with ease correct mouth and good pelt.I preferred the front movement in

  3. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails


Minor Puppy Dog (2,0)

  1. Hooleys - Forgefox Roll The Dice at Hoolmark; A young dog with the correct outline for the workman like breed this is.. Well shaped head with good ear shape and carriage, Dark almond shaped eye.. correct dentition, correct front well and good length of neck. Well laid shoulders. Rib well placed and of the right length as to give him the correct length in body. Good thick pelt and correct top coat, spanned easily moved well once settled.

  2. Williamsons - Plunkett Elm; A standard dog with good shape head, correct mouth, Front straight. Moved OK


Junior Dog (2,0)

  1. Roberts and Murray - Mindlen Moki; A standard workman type boy. Correct shaped head with nice almond eye. Correct dentition. Ear carriage correct. Front straight and correct feet.  Good rib length and correct rise over loin. Rear angulation is correct. Spanned easily and with good pelt.

  2. Biglands - Heythrop Tamar; A standard dog with pleasing outline, correct mouth, Front straight Moved OK


Yearling Dog (2,0)

  1. Biglands - Heythrop Toptag; A standard workmanlike dog, I noted ”lovely expression“ on the day. Excellent pelt and coat, ear set correct, correct eye and scissor bite. Spanned easily moved well.

  2. Sorrells - Tegtaren Ten Ten; Shorter in back than 1st correct bite and ear set, movement was not for me.


Post Graduate Dog (1,0)

  1. Rimmers - Plunkett Woody at Kylini; A dog of standard height, correct head and mouth, eye shape correct. This boy was “keen”. Spanned with ease good for coat and pelt. Moved ok.


Limit Dog (4,3)

  1. Hobsons - Partridgdale Flynn; A standard, hardy dog with a correct ear and eye shape and set. Correct mouth, good length of neck, good pelt and coat Moved well a little thick , nice and keen very alert.


Open Dog (3,2)

  1. Smiths - Alncroft Hijack; A sound specimen of workmanlike attitude, Easily Spanned ,Correct almond shape eye giving the desired expression, great dentition, straight front, well laid back shoulder good pelt and coat, tail set correct.


Champion  Dog (4,0)

  1. Bakers - Ch Pacolito Resurrection JW; This specimen took my eye as soon as he came in the ring. Right up my street. Nothing overdone and screams I can do my job! Standard, all bits in the right places, moved well for and aft. He was spanned and has a great pelt. 

  2. Newports - Ch Cudweeds Master of the Hounds JW; Another standard dog that went well. Good for shape in head , correct eye ear and mouth and moved OK

  3. Collis’s - Ch Riplington See Your Dreams

  4. Horge’s - SWE Ch Rustic Russell Billy Boy


Veteran Bitch (7,4)

  1. Newports - Digaden Made to Measure; An old lady that put a smile on my face. Correct feminine head with correct scissor bite. Good lay of shoulder, correct height. Good coat and moved well.

  2. Collis’s - Riplington Dream Image; Another old lady that shows very well, she has a correct head shape and good coat. Spanned OK. 

  3. Hobson’s - Alncroft Isle See


​Minor Puppy Bitch (5,0)

  1. Bakers - Tusiquevales Jabberwocky To Pacolito (Imp ITA) NAF; A very nice young lady whom I liked a lot. Lovely expression from a with a nice feminine well shaped skull, Correct ears and eye and good dentition. Straight front with feet turning neither in nor out. Correct body length to height with a good pelt. Spanned easily. Moved Ok.

  2. Evans’s - Bellvalleys Savage Love; Another promising puppy , correct ear, eye and mouth, moved well

  3. Aspell & Dixon’s - Scapegrace Faenor

  4. Chalkley’s - Forgefox Tumbling Dice


Puppy Bitch (6,1)

  1. Hughes’s - Ruffntuff Tears of Joy; A very promising puppy with lots to like, Strong with correct ear, eye and mouth, excellent rear makeup showing strength in her drive. Correct coat and pelt.

  2. Shields - Pacolito Follow the Lead with Sheilmarsh; A smaller package than 1st place spanned correctly with correct Eye and moth, ear set also correct. Tailset a little high. Moved ok.

  3. Shakeshaft’s - Chadbrook Risk and Reward

  4. Sorrell’s - Tegtaran Topaz Trinket


Junior Bitch (3,1)

  1. Karlssons - Frozen Krakens Queen Elisabeth DK Jun Ch; A very nice bitch that I considered when adjudicating for my bests.. Alert, standard bitch that is made very well. Moved well too,correct ear, correct dentition. Liked her.

  2.  Sorrells - Tegtaran Tiller Trish; A puppy from the minor puppy class, she was out matured here in this class. Her mouth is correct, she has a neat ear and correct eye, I didn’t like her movement in the front but this could change as she matures.


Yearling Bitch (2,1)

  1. Smiths - Alncroft Foxtrot; A standard Typey bitch with lots to like. Correct feminine head with correct ear set, correct eye and correct bite. A correct tailset and moved out well.


Post Graduate Bitch (7,4)

  1. Biglands - Heythrop Tarana; A stunning bitch, Of great quality,. Very workman like in her appearance, Correct head and well set ears , Piercing almond shape eyes, clean perfect dentition with a strong underjaw. Correct straight front and correct shape feet. Well laidback shoulders and good length of neck. A correct body length and well made rear. Correct pelt and spanned easily. Really liked her.

  2. Roach’s - Heythrop Tangle; A standard bitch with a good shape head, eye shape is correct and so too the scissor bite. Smooth coat with a correct pelt. Spanned easily. Moved OK.

  3. Jones - Chadbrook Enhance the Dance


Limit Bitch (9,3)

  1. Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fanfare; Keen expression, feminine in the head , Correct dentition eyes and ears well placed and well set, Shoulders well laid back. Correct pelt and good coat. Spanned easily, moved ok.

  2. Buckley’s - Gonetoground High and Mighty; A standard type bitch of correct head with a good eye shape mouth OK spanned easily. pelt correct. Moved with drive. I preferred the front of the class winner.

  3. Bigland’s - Heythrop Topsyturvey

  4. Kirby’s - Mindlen Miami


Open Bitch (5,0)

  1. Nixon’s - Gone to Ground I Have a Dream; A stunning bitch. Correct head and well set ears , Correct almond shape eyes ,correct dentition with a powerful underjaw. Correct front and correct shape feet. Well laidback shoulders and correct length of neck. A correct body length and well made rear. Correct pelt and spanned easily, Moved very well and handled to perfection RCC

  2. Roberts and Murray’s - Ch Mindlen Micmac at Heythrop; A well made standard bitch, keen expression ,The bitch has a feminine head with ears well set and correct almond shaped eyes. She had a correct coat and good pelt, Straight front and easily spanned. Moved Ok

  3. Evan’s - Bellvalley’s Kissed by Fire

  4. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop


Barry Jones Special Progeny  (1)

  1. Bigland

​Handling Classes

Judge: Evie Tinegate

Age 6-11

  1. Edward Kemp

  2. Seth Broadberry


Age 12-16

  1. Amelie Smith

  2. Maeve Parry

  3. Ceria Townsend


Adults 17yrs+ 

  1. Kizzy Porter 

  2. Steph Parry


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