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1995 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Mrs Mair Evans


Best in Show: Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad

Reserve Best in Show:

Best Opposite Sex: Jagen Gabriella Girl at Jappatin

Best Dog: Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad
Reserve Best Dog: Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Best Bitch: Jagen Gabriella Girl at Jappatin
Reserve Best Bitch: Fellshied Tess
Best Veteran:
Best Puppy in Show: 
Holdobur Material Girl

Minnor Puppy Dog (2)

  1. Dooner - Jagen Smokin Squirrel at Jappatin

  2. Doyle - Maplelodge Heart Of Oak


Puppy Dog (6)

  1. Bull - Gudaljara Quest for Aurgwen

  2. Hooley - Holdobur One To Mark

  3. Murray and Miller - Mindlen Muddler Minnow


Junior Dog (7,1)

  1. Collis - Jagen Johny Riplington

  2. Chojnacki - Jazzy Jake of Ddol

  3. Kannangara - Lenacourt Lunar Eclipse


Novice Dog (3,1)

  1. Hutchins - Ratpack Rattlesnake

  2. English - Hindlewalt Beach Comber


Graduate Dog (5,2)

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Villain

  2. Doyle - Howlbeck Super Guy


Post Graduate Dog (3)

  1. Metcalfe- Howlbeck Stonewaller at Cobbybeck

  2. Moore - Moonreapers Spy

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshied Tanner


Open Dog (11)

  1. Tagg - Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad

  2. Simpson - Howlbeck Uno-Piper

  3. Ross -Howlbeck Bobby Dazzler at Tiggertoo


Minor Puppy Bitchv(3)

  1. Sowton - Gamefell Flax

  2. Ross - Muhlross Cromarty at Tiggertoo

  3. Tagg-  Howlbeck Tagsy


Puppy Bitch (4)

  1. Hooley - Holdobur Material Girl

  2. Murray and Miller - Mindlen Jenny Spinner

  3. Rawlinson - Evesmoore Eclipse Over Halshimoor


Junior Bitch (5)

  1. Brown - Afinlea Garden Tiger

  2. Ford - Dewyndorf Samsaskia

  3. Young - Foxton Portia


Novice Bitch (5)

  1. Handy and Field - Fellshied Tess

  2. Simpson - Howlbeck Wat A Girl

  3. Rawlinson - Evesmoore Eclipse Over Halishimoor


Graduate Bitch (5)

  1. Handy and Field - Fellshied Listen To Us

  2. Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands Barn Dancer

  3. Ford - Immie's Princess


Post Graduate Bitch (6,3)

  1. Handy and Field - Fellshied Our Girl

  2. Denby-Gardner - Lenacourt Lost In The Mist at Ammanday

  3. Metcalfe - Jagen Alice Cooper at Cobbybeck 

Open Bitch (9,2)

  1. Dooner - Jagen Gabriella Girl at Jappatin

  2. Ross - Honeymist Indiana of Mulhross

  3. Roden - Howlbeck Princible Dancer of Quarrymist

Open Bitch

  1. ​



Open Show Summer




Best in Show:

Reserve Best in Show: 

Best Dog: 

Reserve Best Dog:

Best Bitch: 

Reserve Best Bitch: 

Best Puppy in Show:


Veteran Dog

  1. ​


Puppy Dog

  1. ​


Junior Dog

  1. ​


Novice Dog

  1. ​


Post Gradate Dog

  1. ​


Limit Dog

  1. ​


Open Dog

  1. ​


Veteran Bitch

  1. ​


Puppy Bitch

  1. ​


Junior Bitch

  1. ​


Novice Bitch

  1. ​


Post Gradate Bitch

  1. ​


Limit Bitch

  1. ​


Open Bitch

  1. ​


Championship Show




Best in Show:

Reserve Best in Show: 

Best Opposite Sex: 

Dog CC: 
Reserve Dog CC: 

Bitch CC: 
Reserve Bitch CC:
Best Veteran in Show: 
Best Puppy is Show: 

Best Puppy Dog: 

Best Puppy Bitch: 




Minnor Puppy Bitch

  1. ​


Puppy Dog

  1. ​


Junior Dog

  1. ​


Novice Dog

  1. ​


Graduate Dog

  1. ​


Post Graduate Dog

  1. ​


Limit Dog

  1. ​


Open Dog

  1. ​


Veteran Dog

  1. ​

Minnor Puppy Bitch

  1. ​


Puppy Bitch

  1. ​


Junior Bitch

  1. ​


Novice Bitch

  1. ​


Graduate Bitch

  1. ​


Post Graduate Bitch

  1. ​​


Limit Bitch

  1. ​


Open Bitch

  1. ​


Veteran Bitch

  1. ​



  1. ​


Barry Jones Special Progeny

  1. ​

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